What can it help with?
CBT is an evidence based talking therapy that is recommend by NICE guidelines for the above problems. Let's take a look at some of those problems in more detail below. If you think you could benefit from working on anything listed above, book a free initial consultation.
What is it?
A feeling of intense anxiety when thinking about or being in the presence of others, especially those I'm not familiar with. Pre-occupation of myself before/during/after.
Possible thoughts:
''Why did I just say that?'' ''They must think I'm stupid'' ''Can they tell I'm anxious'' ''Can they tell I'm red'' ''I really don't want to go tonight'' ''I'll make an excuse not to go''
Possible emotions & feelings:
Sickness, butterflies, headaches, tight chest, hot, needing the toilet, scared, worried.
Possible things I might do:
Avoid, be careful who I spend time with, take a close friend with me, avoid conversation, wear headphones in social situations.
What is it?
Intense physical symptoms of anxiety which may be interpreted as a sign of something more catastrophic.
Possible thoughts:
''Am I having a heart attack'' ''Am I having a stroke?'' ''There must be something seriously wrong with me'' ''I need to get out of this situation and quick''
Possible emotions & feelings:
Blurry vision, heart racing, hot, feeling faint, pins and needles, sickness, dizziness, adrenaline rush, scared.
Possible things I might do:
Constantly scan my body for symptoms, avoid places that make me feel anxious, have safety plans in place (carrying water, have a family member on call)
What is it?
We all worry about our health from time to time but if a large proportion of your worries are related to your health you can start to become pre-occupied with it.
Possible thoughts:
''What if its more than a headache'' ''What is that lump?'' ''Have I always had that mark?'' ''What would happen to my kids if I died?'' ''I should get that checked out''
Possible emotions & feelings:
Scared, low, headaches, sickness, aches and pains.
Possible things I might do:
Check my body, check my blood pressure, seek reassurance, visit the doctor a lot, google my symptoms.
What is it?
Recurring thoughts and/or repetitive behaviours which you feel are out of your control. You may experience unwanted and intrusive thoughts that feel difficult to ignore. You may have developed strategies or routines that help ease uncomfortable feelings.
Possible thoughts:
''That's contaminated now'' ''I can only stand on even steps or someone I love will come to harm'' ''What if I accidentally hurt them'' ''I'm an evil person'' ''If I don't do ... then ... will happen''
Possible emotions & feelings:
Scared, sad, frustrated, worried, sickness, headaches, tiredness.
Possible things I might do:
Check, seek reassurance, have set routines, avoid people and places, not tell people about my thoughts.
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
What is it?
Underpinned by a dislike for uncertainty, I don't like not knowing and therefore I worry and overthink things that often haven't happened yet. I might ask myself 'What if..' a lot. My worries aren't specific and could be about anything and everything.
Possible thoughts:
''What if there's traffic and I'm late'' ''What if something bad happens to her while she's out'' ''What if my friends think I'm boring'' ''What if I can't afford to pay my mortgage this month''
Possible emotions & feelings:
Scared, low, irritable, headaches, heart racing, sickness.
Possible things I might do:
Check things, do a lot of preparation before events, seek reassurance from others, get certainty, not trust other people to do things.
stress disorder
What is it?
Any situation that could be traumatic has the potential to cause PTSD. The brain hasn't processed that you're out of the danger and so causes a whole lot of awful symptoms as its way of protecting you.
Possible thoughts:
'''I'm not safe'' ''I need to be on guard'' ''Why did that happen to me'' ''Was it my fault'' ''Could I have stopped it''
Possible emotions & feelings:
Scared, low, irritability, guilt, insomnia, heart race, difficulty breathing, sickness, sweating.
Possible things I might do:
Really struggle sleeping, struggle from nightmares, avoid situations, 'zone out',
What is it?
A specific fear which causes an intense anxious response by the presence or thought of it. Can get in the way of life as we begin to avoid the thing /situations. May include animals, flying, driving, needles, blood, heights.
Possible thoughts:
''I can't go there'' ''I won't cope'' ''What if x is there'' ''I'll die'' ''I'll lose control''
Possible emotions & feelings:
Dizziness, nausea, sweating, increased heart rate, sickness, shaking.
Possible things I might do:
Avoid the fear, start to avoid things that could trigger the feared response, escape.
What is it?
Low mood which lasts for weeks or months, rather than just a few days. I might lose interest in doing things I used to enjoy, think negatively about myself, others and the general world. Thoughts of not wanting to be here are common with depressive episodes.
Possible thoughts:
''Whats the point'' ''I'm no good at anything anymore'' ''I look awful'' ''I'd rather just stay in bed'' ''They won't miss me if I don't go''
Possible emotions & feelings:
Sad, tired, aching, heavy, tearful, unbothered, hopeless.
Possible things I might do:
Withdraw, sleep more than usual, eating more/less than usual, stop hobbies.